How Can We Experience More Ease in our Daily Life and in High Stress Times?

I have experienced that life can be messy and unexpected.  We are here to manage it and flow in our life with as much love, ease, grace and trust as we possibly can.  This may seem impossible some days, but, if you have read my book The Road to Gratitude I talk about these things and how I have used energy medicine to help me to be able to navigate the ups, downs, twists, and turns that life throws at us with more humor, grace, love, joy, gratitude, and appreciation of the eventual understanding of final outcomes. I have not done a newsletter in a while because I had the opportunity to flow through 5 of the top 10 stressors!!  Something has to give when we are flowing through the rapids of our life and evolution right?  As I was flowing (and some days feeling like I was getting tossed around!) I was constantly looking for the things that I was bumping into that I could release and clear.  So many rich opportunities for that came my way and I was fearless although rather bedraggled (I LOVE …

What Does an Energy Medicine Session Look Like?

This is one of my most asked questions.  With my “Write a Book Review” contest going on to win a session with me, it is a perfect opportunity for me to share with you all what you can expect when you WIN an hour long intuitive energy medicine session with me. People come to me for many different reasons.  Some are overwhelmed with grief, panic, anxiety, over worry, depression, anger, frustration or fear and it is impacting their life in adverse ways.  While others come to me with mystery illnesses that no one else has been able to help them with.  Some people have shown up with pain that they have been dealing with for years and in some cases, decades.  I have also had clients show up with spiritual blocks and want help moving forward.  Core beliefs also come up often in session to be cleared. What I can say with complete certainty is that when someone contacts me for a session their spirit is ready to heal on some level and maybe even on all levels.  I only attract people to me who CAN and …


Win a hour long intuitive energy medicine session with me!  I am very excited to see who the winner is that I will be spending time with either in a remote session or in-person here on the Central Coast of California. HOW DO I WIN? Easy peasy!   1st – buy my book The Road to Gratitude at any of these places: 2nd – read my book and…. 3rd – write a review and post it to all three (or just 1) Amazon, Balboa Press, and Barnes and Noble. On March 15th all review names (so if you post to all 3 places you will be entered 3 times!!) will be put in a box and one lucky person’s name will get picked to work with me on their energies for more vibrant health, wellness, and joy!  I am so excited to share this hugely transformational information and protocols with all of you so you can heal yourselves like I did! Much love and many blessings to you all<3

What Have I Been up To?

Life recently threw me a curve ball and I had to draw on all of the tools in my energy medicine toolbox!  I had a family emergency happen that took me out of State and living in a hotel room for two and a half weeks.  It was a combination of chronic stress and extreme stress with a whole lot of emotions involved.  It was definitely a recipe for a crash for me if I did not have my energy medicine tools to help me. I’m not saying that I handled it perfectly, but I can say that I navigated it with a whole lot more strength, courage, and grace than I could have in my past before I learned about health, wellness, and energy medicine. One day during that time I was walking back to the hotel with my twin sister and I turned to her and said, “I feel like I am going to explode from too many emotions.”  I was feeling too much fear, anxiety, grief, overwhelm, over worry, and over concern.  She said that she was feeling the same way. I …

How Can we Practice Better Self Love and Self Care?

This is a question that is more important now than ever.  If we are not caring for ourselves and loving ourselves, then, we are most likely operating at a lower frequency and un- balanced state of being.  This makes us more susceptible to getting run down and being vulnerable to viruses and bacteria in our body and environment. I talk a lot in my book about putting our oxygen mask on first.  If we do not take care of ourselves, then we will not be able to be as helpful for anyone else.  It seems like these days we are all worrying too much about the current state of things and are, to varying degrees, fearful of what is going to happen next or in the future. The emotions of fear and over-worry are frequent flyers right now for me and for pretty much everyone I work with.  I am not a fearful person and I do not feel any fear in my body but it is out there and we are all connected for better or worse.  This collective fear gets stored in our kidneys …

What is Energy Medicine?

I get asked that question usually around one to two times a week so I decided to write a blog on it so you all can get a better idea of how important energy is for all of us for our health and well being.   Everything is energy.  We are energy. Our thoughts, emotions, words that we say, and all physical things are energy.  The thoughts and emotions are the non-physical examples of energy.   Energy never stops it just changes and adapts.  Even when energies are frozen or buried which happens sometimes in our physical body, it is still trying to move and that can cause pain in the physical body.   When I work with my clients I ask them what is going on in their physical body so that I can focus my attention on where to assess and support their energies.  I will give you a quick overview of an example of how our different physical energies (body/organs/teeth/brain) are connected to and supported by our non-physical energies (meridians, chakras, radiant circuits, aura, etc.) When a client comes in and has challenges with …

Why I wrote my book “The Road to Gratitude”

No one expects their world to implode. That is what happened to me when I received a cancer diagnosis during the ending of my long-term marriage. I was chronically ill on and off for years searching for answers with Western medicine as to why I was constantly sick, tired, and depressed.  As Western medicine failed me, I explored alternative healing and found energy medicine. I discovered along the way that you cannot just address the physical body for true healing.  We are made of up energy in many forms.  Not only is our body energy, our thoughts and emotions are energy as well.  We are a collection of the traumas experienced in our lives.  Energy has to move.  When energy is stuck, buried or frozen from trauma (stuck emotions) it can cause pain or dis-ease in the body. On a physical body level I eventually discovered that I had toxicity from high levels of heavy metals in my body and brain.  This caused my immune system to be challenged therefore providing an opportunity for an environment in my body that allowed viruses and bacteria to flourish.  This also …

Gratitude Wellness Retreat Center

The thing that I have in me that I “can’t NOT do” is to co-create/develop a  healing and wellness retreat center here on the Central Coast of California. The vision is to bring together an assortment of alternative healing, cleansing and detoxifying modalities that address the healing and balancing of the body~mind~spirit for overall health and well being. This will also be an educational program for sustained health and well being with access for everyone. This healing center will be incorporating some of Anthony William’s, Medical Medium protocols for healing from viruses, bacteria and toxins in the body. I am currently finishing my book that will have 100% of the proceeds used to create the center.  My book should be hitting the market this year in 2019 so keep you eyes open for it. I will keep you updated here on the progress and on social media this Spring 2019. It is my plan for the center to donate a certain percentage of net profits (50% is a strong possibility) to a scholarship program.  This is because I believe to …