What is Energy Medicine?

Energy Medicine is based on the belief that we are all made up of energy, and when in balance, our bodies have the innate ability to maintain our health and overcome illness. Energy Medicine uses techniques that balance and restore your body’s natural energies for the purpose of increasing your vitality, strengthening your mental capacities and optimizing your health.

Energy medicine helps provide relief from symptoms that are related to illness or disease in the physical body. It addresses pain in the physical body by moving and restoring buried, frozen or blocked energies to their natural balanced state. Pain, tingles, head and body aches, exhaustion, depression, and nausea are all symptoms telling us that some of our energy flows may be out of balance.

Energy Medicine Defined

Energy medicine helps provide relief from symptoms that are related to illness or disease in the physical body.

To assess how energies are flowing, or not flowing, through specific areas of the body, Melissa employs “energy tests” on her clients by applying light pressure to her client’s arm, while focusing on other areas of the body – from internal organs to the nerve center at the bottom of their feet. Everyone has their own energy map and through this technique Melissa identifies the healing methods needed to restore balance specific to each client. Some Energy Medicine healing techniques involve the use of precise postures or movements including touching, holding, pressing, tracing, or circling over specific areas of the skin, which moves, balances, enhances, and restores the blocked energies. The techniques that Melissa practices promote balance and flow in the body’s electromagnetic energy waves and other subtle energy sources, so that health and well-being are enhanced. This is done in a non-intrusive way to activate her clients own healing process and strengthen their resilience in this stressful world.

Melissa also teaches her client’s how to practice techniques at home that help make them more aware of their energy systems. By taking charge and learning some basic energy exercises, her clients can address minor health symptoms as they come up before it is necessary to treat with chemical interventions that may suppress the symptoms, but not fix the underlying problem. Having your energy systems in balance not only improves your quality of life and overall wellness, it also supports the ability of your body to heal efficiently and supports other medical, surgical or herbal interventions that you may choose to try. Energy Medicine has been very successful in easing depression and increasing the feeling of joy in life.

Contact Melissa G. Richardson for energy work today.